Sunday, October 31, 2010

Not so Gentle Introductions (Part III)

Two days passed as we tended to the wounded caused by the fog, self induced injuries from falling over lines or getting ran over by Kozak’s pet rat. One man was unaccounted for after the ordeal. The captain figured he had fell overboard and now long lost at sea. With the wind picking up the captain wanted to get the masts up to make up some time we had lost searching for him.

Weeks passed as me and Croff would play stones every day around noon. Kozak and Raddect kept themselves busy by polishing their weapons and armor. With all this excitement you could tell they where getting tired of being at sea. The nights brought out the rum and a relaxed crew, somewhat needed after the hard days work they put in keeping the masts at bay in this wind. A few mornings off the stern of the ship flying electric eels could be seen dancing in and out of the ocean as they leaped into the air.

T’was another week before a deck hand yelled land ho. We all rushed to the bow of the ship and saw the Island in the distance. You could see the clear white sand and the foliage from the coast. We knew this would be no easy task as we got closer to the isle. Between us and the coast were millions of jagged rocks protruding out of the ocean like layers of sharks teeth. To make matters worse the handful partially sunken ships that had attempted this before us.

Dropping the masts we sailed in with anchor in tow. This was to keep us inching forward as so are enormous ships didn’t join the isles collection. The captain maneuvered the ship through the first set of reefs and jagged rocks.  Few of the ships we passed by we could make out there origins others where from old kingdoms that had fallen years before us. When the rocks became to dangerous to precede further, the captain dropped the other anchor abruptly stopping the ship. We would have to continue from here in crew boats. You could tell Kozak was ready to be on land as he had no problem throwing down the eight boats and loading them up with our gear. As they loaded Raddect up in some rigged type of harness to lower him down into a boat I all most died laughing. He was so helpless aboard this ship and now at the mercy of the twenty men hoisting him into the air. 

“Stuff it Coridan!” Raddect growled at me.

“What? I didn’t say any thing! I was merely enjoying the torment you where going through mighty ranger.” I said earnestly mocking his tone.

“Coridan quit poking the bee hive,” Croff spoke up defending his helpless comrade as he shook his finger at me.

“Yes Father.” I said as I bowed my head at the chin. Croff just smirked at me with slight smile.

“All right Captian, give us seven days and six nights. If we are not back by the seventh night please consider us unsuccessful and depart for home on the eighth morn.” Raddect said as he nodded to Kozak for his approval of the conversation. Kozak said, “jaa sevin dayz be fine.”
We took two crew members per boat and headed for the island. They would stay on the beach and set up camp as we pressed deep into the forest. Maneuvering these little boated through all these rocks was still no easy task with the waves helping us towards the island at their pace. As we struggled to make it to the beach Raddect appeared to be lost in thought as he peered from the left of the island to the right. Kozak had his ax in hand prepared for anything that might meet us on the beach. Croff and I had already managed our preparations casting all the spells we foresaw we would need.

As Kozak’s boat hit the shore he stepped out and headed towards the skirt of the forest. Raddect wasn’t to far behind him as he jumped out of his boat almost tipping over the boat and two men left in it. They had four large trees cut down buy the time all eight boats had navigated to the shore. The crew members quickly took all the gear off the boats and started to set up camp.

With the trees Raddect and Kozak cut down they finished creating a few barriers sharpened to pointed ends to protect the camp. The rest of the trees were set aside for framing the shelter. Croff had been directing me where to place the few crystals he had brought to create a protective ward for the crew staying behind. After Kozak felt the men were as safe as they could be he nodded to Croff getting his approval to head out. Croff gave his approval and Kozak wasted no time barking “Letz move out!”

Raddect quickly rushed forward as he casted his spell that mixed him into his surroundings.  Kozak pressed forward followed by Croff then me. Raddect was doing well marking trees showing the direction we needed to follow to avoid the wildlife he was tracking us around. One good thing about having a ranger in the group is you can save time by going around potentially aggressive animals.

Every hour, give or take Raddect would swing back and update us of his progress. Most of which was that he hadn’t found traces of our prey yet or to warn us of danger lurking to our east or west. The first day came to an end rather quickly with only a few misquotes and dead pythons crossing our paths. We set up camp and Croff summoned food and water for us to eat. Kozak and Raddect volunteered to take watch through the night allowing me and Croff to sleep. With all the new and strange sounds on the isle, sleep was the last thing that we got.

The second day came and went much like the first, uneventful. And as the third day was coming to an end I began to question Raddects tracking skills or the lack there of and now time was against us. Raddect appeared in the middle of us about three hours before sunset to point out deep claw markings on a tree Kozak was standing next to. Kozak and Raddect discussed the markings and decided that an owl bear or a tiger gorilla where more likely to have made these marks.

Night fell on our third day and the discussion on when to turn back had begun. Most of the discussion was highlighted with Kozak showing his displeasure of Raddects ability to track and lead us to a feelpe. Raddect was being very defensive brining up the belief that the creature of myths was just that a myth and it was not his lack of skills. Fisticuffs broke out among the two giants each landing massive blows against the other.

Croff immediately jumped between the two behemoths shouting “Calm down fella’s its no ones fault. We knew this would be difficult if not impossible!” Not paying the stepping stool any mind they continued there assault on each other. Croff being trampled at this point managed to roll out of the scuffle.

Croff never lost his composure as he started to chant with his hands interlocked. Shiny white pillars began to appear around both men. I watched noticing that the light from the pillars illumanted the leaves and mud in Croff’s beard. Croffs chanting became more intense and the pillars glow increase and began spreading over the area. The glow started to slow down the to ego driven males and everything else in the area of the glow. It slowed them down to the point they appeared to be like statues moving minuscule amounts till all motion ceased.

“Now what will this accomplish? If you don’t agree to act civil I have no problem keeping you both chained to these pillars all night!” Croff said modestly and almost interrupting me.

“Look at you two giants acting like orcs fighting over a meal. You even managed to make the dorf mad enough to get his beard all dirty!” I said as I knew comparing them to orcs would diffuse there frustrations or at least redirect them towards me.

Both men’s muscles began to relax. Croff appeared to notice this at the same time as I did as he started to drop his force shield he had placed on them. When both men where able to move again they brushed themselves off making sure not to lose eye contact with the other. Croff walked towards them casting minor healing and fatigue removal spells on them at the same time.

“Shall we eat and call it a night now?” Croff said as he reached in his pack for a scroll of summon food and water.

Kozak nodded to the idea and crashed down next to a big tree, leaning his back against it. Raddect and I sat down near the other side of the small clearing there scuffle had made. I gestured at Raddect for a limb that was within his reach. He quickly snatched it out of the tree and snapped it into a few two feet pieces. As he placed them in front of us I started the fire. Croff passed out our food and drink then sat almost in the direct middle of us all.

For the next hour or so the only noise the group made was that of breathing and swallowing there food and drink. Silent enough until Kozak Growled out, “Ar youz ok fur da first watch Raddect?” This startled Croff, who was clearly lost in his own thoughts as he jumped to his feet.  

About ten minutes before I was going to call it a night I smothered the flame to allow every ones eyes to get adjusted to the darkness. Croff was already snoring at this point with some drool creeping down his beard. Raddect shifted until he was confortable and settled in for first watch. Kozak placed his axe across his chest and gnarled a little as to warn anyone to messing with him as he slept. I settled my head aginst a tree and closed my eyes I was out within seconds of my eyes closing.

It was early when I was waken by the roar of Kozak, and cries of pain from Raddect. As I stood to my feet something smacked me across my chest sending me flying about ten feet back. Before I stood back up and quickly cast fairy fire to light up the area. As I jumped to my feet my hands where shaking. Kozak was pinned under the hind legs of a creature that made him look like a child. Raddect was fending off teeth and claws with a whirlwind of duel wielding blades. It appears the prey we were searching so hard to find had found us.  

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Where one is the other Has to exsist.

Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that
goes on Inside each of us.

He said, “My son, the battle is between
two wolves inside us all.”

“One is evil –
It is anger, envy, jealousy, regret, greed, arrogance, self pity, guilt,
resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

“One is Good-
It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy,
generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
“Which wolf wins?”

The Old Cherokee simply replied,
“The one you feed.”

It is unknown to me who wrote this.

Life Is Beautiful lyrics

You can’t quit until you try
You can’t live until you die
You can’t learn to tell the truth
Until you learn to lie

You can’t breathe until you choke
You gotta laugh when you’re the joke
There’s nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

I know some things that you don’t
I’ve done things that you won’t
There’s nothing like a trail of blood
to find your way back home

I was waiting for my hearse
What came next was so much worse
It took a funeral to make me feel alive
Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Have a toddler? Click here are some potty training tips.

Holloween Blog Fest: Superstitions and Men

Holloween Blog Fest !
Three weeks had passed on the ocean it seemed like three years. The scenery never changed and even I was about to question if we were actually moving. Kozak and Raddect stayed on the bow as they where a little too tall to go below deck without destroying the walls and doorways. Croff was always sitting in front of a stump that was carved into a game board of sorts. He would spend hours laying pieces onto the board then rearranging them.

After about a week at sea I approached Croff and asked him what he was doing. This might have been a mistake, yet I did ask the question. Croff explained the game of stones and the strategy of the game to create area by creating life or taking life out of the stones. The rules were simple enough to the game of stones and now daily I awake and join him in a few games. It took about two weeks to understand what Croff was saying about the flowing of stones and there relation to life and our feelings. Needless to say he is a good teacher and I was a fairly good student I learned pretty quickly.

It was the evening of the fall festival as me a Croff where sitting on the stern of the boat in the mid game of a fierce battle of wits. My play style was referred to as fire as it spread across the board attempting to burn up all the living space. Croffs play style was water and it flowed purely across the board. Croff would always point out arrogant moves by some proverb or insightful fire extinguishing remark. But on this game he stated something at the beginning of the game that made this game probably the best game we played against each other, or should I say the most balanced.

“Coridan while you play stones today use your style to its fullest fuel the blue flames inside your style with sharp bursts of flames instead of trying to fuel a wild red fire you can’t control.” Croff said in a very sincere tone knowing that he had gotten the point across clearly.

This was such an amazing game I was finally making the dwarf think with each play I would make. Let it be known with his wisdom of the game and experience each play he made kept me looking for a balancing move.
It was when Croff played a Defensive attack on one of my strongest groups when we both noticed that thick fog we where rolling into. The ship started to hustle and bustle with the ship hands lighting lanterns and tightening up the rope from the ballasts. The Captain strung together both ships with thick elfish woven rope to keep us from getting separated from the other ship.

The fog was getting dense making it hard to see more then two feet in front of me. To make matters worse the night had crept in making the sea darker then any cave I had ever been in.  The boat was calm as it moved through the dark waters towards the Younfeelpe Island. All you could hear was the waves crashing off the haul of the boat until one of the deck hands screamed in panic “help!” With his screaming came the sound of something plunging into the water.

I turned to the direction of the noise. The only thing I could make out was what appeared to be glowing yellow eyes. Then the wailing started. The sound was worse then a banshee’s scream. I quickly asked Croff “what’s that wailing?”

As I was awaiting the answer from Croff you could hear the panic aboard the ship. The crew was running around blindly in the fog trying to find safety below deck.  Every so often the screams of pain would be louder then the wailing this only made matters worse. “Myth says the keeper of those that die at sea gets revenge for those who had been wronged by someone on another ship that crosses her path.” Croff said quietly.  An hour had to have passed and there was still the wailing and crying for help. This had to be getting on Croff’s nerves as he was helpless to move in this fog.

“Bah, most myths are made up from delusional men trying to rationalize a tragedy.” I said as I was getting frustrated with the whole situation. I started to cast a flame arrow towards the wailing that was killing my ears and causing such a fuss. Croff promptly deterred me as we where still on a wooden ship it might sink us.

Croff and I could here the clatter of hoof steps was getting closer to us as we heard the crashing of the board and the stones hit the deck of the ship. Before us laid Raddect unconscious, with four wounds on his face. Now I was mad, the game was just getting good. What ever is out there was going to pay.

Croff started a divination to put those that are lingering in death to rest. This had no effect on the wailing, it might have even made it worse. As the chant ended a huge crash shuck the ship and Kozak roared in pain. Then another crash and another roar of pain but this time it was not Kozak it was more feministic. Kozak screamed “Uah Hu nowz me gotz joo.” As the sound of his ax hitting the ships deck and wrestling across the ship incurred. This lasted for a good twenty minutes both Kozak and this other entity could be made out in the struggle.

Then all was silent. To silent. No more wailing and the wrestling had stopped. “Kozak! Are you all right?” Croff said with concern in his voice. Impatiently Croff yelled again “Kozak answer me!”  More silence as time seemed to start passing slower. Had Kozak won the fight, had what ever was out there after Kozak and won?  

“Damn it Kozak, Answer!” I Screamed. I was beginning to get worried we had lost our tank before we even made it to the damn island. Not the way this needed to start off. Raddect down and Kozak out there would be no way we could finish this journey.

Morning approached as the sun started to crest over the horizon. With the daylight the fog started to lift. Croff franticly started towards the bow of the ship to check on Kozak. I wasn’t too far behind. As we came around the captain’s tower we could see Kozak laying on his side with his back to us. “Nooooo!!!!” Croff yelled out as he ran towards Kozak.

I quickly Grabbed Croff, “Wait, WHAT is that around his arm. See it right there?  What ever that is might still be alive. Let’s act cautiously, let me go around first for I can blast what ever it might be.”

“Coridan, Kozak is still breathing look! I have to get to him.” Croff said determined. Before I could reason with him he was already running towards Kozak with both hands glowing. At this point what ever was in Kozak’s arms started to wiggle.

“Croff Watch Out! It Moving!” I shouted.

“I Can See that!” Croff stated as a tail swiped at Croffs feet. Amazingly he jumped then tumbled towards Kozak placing both hands on Kozaks back.

Kozak Quickly rolled up to his bottom and in his arms was a Giant Swamp Rat. As he started to lecture Sam-u-ell “Now how did youz get out  yur  cage? Danke Croffz I hope Sam-u-el was not much problems for youz. Ill mak shur he stays in da cage from now on. Aint dat right Sam-u-el?”

Kozak had no idea what that rat had caused to all of us on this ship last night. I wanted to murder him and that rat. Croff chimed in at the right moment with “That’s your pet Koz? Hahahahahaha.”

“Shut up Croff it’s not funny.” I said as I walked back to the back of the ship to pick up all of the stones that Raddect had knocked over. “Hey don’t forget Raddect played with Sam also Croff!.”

Holloween Blog Fest !

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not So Gentle Introductions Part II

After the council finished I headed directly for Arch Magus Balthzeer’s tower.  What the hell was he thinking sending me on this venture? The King wanted this creature alive not in an urn! I found it hard to believe Arch Magus Balthzeer was this stupid after all these years I have been under him. This time I didn’t care who knew I was coming. As I approached the tower I had my magma sphere cast which kept those pesky vines at bay.  I was completely incased in flames and molten rock. The gargoyles melted and became part of my shield as they attempted to subdue me. I walked into the main floor study and chanted words of demonic orgins to erase all the rune traps on the floor walls and ceiling.

Balthzeer sat behind his desk calm as ever and spoke forcefully. “I knew you would be mad Arch Magus Coridan but I would really watch the spells you go throwing around during your trip as Croff is as religious as they come. And I’m sure he would have a hard time working with someone who spoke such vile words.  Come now old friend let us chat over some tea shall we?”

“You think a chat over tea will fix this underhandedness? If you wanted to get rid of me I sure you know a million other easier ways then sending me to this death trap of an isle with a quest about as possible as taming a phenoix or ruling the heavens!”

“Now, now, Coridan would I the one person who has covered up your indistretions and took your side every time your temper blew as a kid really send you to your death?” I was hoping you thought more of me then a teperary ally by now,” Balthzeer said with a nuturing tone.

“Let us sir and discuss this trip and why I chose you over every other Arch Magus shall we?” Bathzeer gestured in front of the fire place to a seat next to his.

I walked over and mumbled the incarnation to disperse my shield as it retreated into the fire place. It caught Balthzeer off guard as he leaned back in his seat. “What an interesting shield. Was that Fire Giant and Draconic you spoke? Balthzeer squinted his ears as to hope to hear it better.

“Umm never mind to the topic at hand. It is quite simple you see Coridan your job is not to capture this beast it is to bring Kozak, Croff, and Raddect back alive with you. I knew the only way this quest had a chance of success was if each Master of their respected art sent their most skilled and valuable men. And the only way that would happen is if someone could garentee their safe return. Since you are the only one I know capable of this in the entire kingdom I told the king I would make it so for his wish would be fulfilled. I knew you would come directly here with the will to burn down everything around you.”

“You old fool, has your age given you a wish to meet death sooner? Next time why not ask me before hand as you know I still owe you a great debt for buring my parents for me. One we will now considered paid in full I might add. Well I best be heading to gather my gear and supplies as three days is barley enough time to research what all might come in handy!” I stood up and started walking towards the door.

“You youngsters are always in such a rush. Coridan I insist you sit back down and finish your tea as I have already prepared the four books you would need as well as some other items I will be loaning you on one condition; you bring them back to me.”

As we sat there and drank our tea I have never noticed how much the old man enjoyed my company until this moment. It was like he was savoring each minute as it would be his last moments with me. And for good reason this could rightfully be our last chat for he knew what he had gotten me into and was worried. So worried in fact he had made a brand new enchanted red robe for me. It was enchanted with the highest of physical protection spells along with magic enhancing inscriptions down the sleeves and the inscriptions where in an old tongue that I even had to ask about.

“Don’t worry about the words Coridan maybe on my death bed ill pass you a hint, an old man can’t give all his secrets away now can he? Oh and one last thing. By request you should appear at the practice grounds tomorrow at day break to, let’s say learn how to interact with your party.” Balthzeer said as we stood up and walked down the stairs to the tower.

“Is there any other surprises I should know about old man?” I chuckled but im sure he could tell that I still wasn’t all to pleased with being thrown to the wolves like this.

That night seemed to fly by before I knew it I was standing in the practice grounds next to a nine foot ogre, a two foot dwarf, and a Centaur of eighteen hands. The king was so kind to capture us an armored belguwin to hone our skills on. This massive creature was close to a giant beetle with plant like tentacles. Needless to say not an easy catch, and at the same time not too much of a threat either. That is if you leave it alone.

Croff walked forward and started casting protective wards on the two melee types and him self, making sure not to catch me inside of his area spell. Kozak inherently stepped between Croff and our prey and Raddect took up Croff’s left flank. I was where I was supposed to be a few steps behind Croff. It was a relief that no one was still wet behind the ears and it appeared each already knew the part they where to play in this party. Which is something we all noticed as was made apparent when Kozak turned his head and nodded to me.  That being said at this point there was no need for this little exercise.

We quickly confounded by my flaming arc wall cutting off any retreat. Raddect had entangling barbs wrapping around its eight legs and torso. And Kozak knocked it out with the blunt side of his axe in one blow.

“Well I don’t guess anyone is hurt?” Croff said with a joking tone.

Kozak finished cracking his knuckles then holstered his giant great axe across his back. We all stood there for a few moments staring at each other till Kozak broke the silence and informed us that he would be leader of the group and if there where any objection now was the time to settle it. Croff shrugged, I cared less, and you could tell that Roddect was hesitant to settle the leadership role the way the Ogres do. I mean Kozak stood eye to eye with Roddects a feat not many could attest to.

After I made it back to my home I finished looking over the contents of what Balthzeer had prepared for me and added a few touches of my own to the spells and tactics that might come on handy. Then I started to look over the lore of the isle. Before I knew it, it was time to depart.

That morning the King bestowed us all with a charm of safe travels. He had the finest ship in all his armada accompanied by two of the fastest war ship awaiting us at the Harbor.

“Captain Rumstow make haste on this journey and bring back my ships in one piece.

Kozak, Croff, Roddect, Coridan, Let the Captain command his ships and all of his men. But do no hesitate to tell the Captain if you need support he is here for you as are MY SHIPS. Understood?

“Yes M’lord.” Most of us answered in unison. But you could tell that the statement was directed towards the Captain.

The last of our goods where loaded on the ships the Captain approached us at the aft of the ship and said “you might as well make your self comfortable. It will be a full cycle plus one to the outskirts of the islands. One rule for you lot if your sea legs are weak puke over the edge and not on my floors. And one last thing feel free to anything aboard this vessel except the RUM got it?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Not So Gentle Introductions (Part I)

It hadn’t been three weeks in my new position of Arch Magus that I was already getting fed up with the politics that it came with. The sly old fox had this all planned out. Not only did it slow down my research it added many of dauntless tasks into the mix.

There where public appearances at every major event I was expected to attend now. Be it weddings, duels, tournaments, balls, and the most maddening was the council. A group of forty wealthy nobles, a handful of high ranking generals from the army and shadow corps, the now thirteen Arch Magus, and the king all sitting in the Ballad Chamber Room talking in circles and accomplishing nothing.

To add to my delight were the countless noblemen wanting to introduce me to their daughters. The ugliness, stupidity, and shear boredom of each of these snobby women I was introduced to almost made me wonder how the (enter race here) had survived for so many generations. Hmm, I guess it’s not always survival of the fittest, but one would think that evolution would have breed out some of these jean pools by now.

But on this day during the council meeting Arch Magus Balthzeer and King Keldar had put together a scheme to get me on a certain wild goose chase. King Keldar stood at the front of the council and beseeched the strongest and most well fit from each of his High seats for a journey to Younfeelpe Island. This quest will be to find if they existed and bring back a feelpe for him as a mount.

Legend has it the feelpe is a cross between a solid white rhino, an eagle, and panther. They are said to be the most precise hunters with there quick dives agile turns and cuts and armored scale like feathers they gave their prey no chance to know what was coming or ability to escape. Speaking of escape no one has ever returned from the island.

General Gremmik was quick to appoint Kozak as the warrior for this task. High Priest Infestelia offered the services of Croff for the healing duties. Arch Magus Balthzeer appointed none other then me shocking …. And to round out the party a Glade master Dawnspring chose Raddect as the Ranger.

“Fine, Fine, choices,” The king proclaimed! “Take three days to muster what you will need and set your affairs in order then come to the castle four days from now at a pinch past dawn and I will see you off from the harbor.”

As I stood there next to a dwarf, Ogre, Centaur I knew this would be a long journey.  One I hope we will return from.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Skin Art

Late one evening the proctor of the Great Library came to the table I had something shy of fifty books stacked on. “Magus Coridan sir, would you mind if we closed early tonight as my daughter is getting married in the morning and I would love to give her moon tip lilies from the mountain.”

“Sure Proctor Castrum, may I borrow this book here for the night to keep me occupied?”

“Why yes Coridan, but a book on tribal inscriptions is a little out of the norm for you isn’t it?”

I laughed, “It’s a book in your library what is not normal about me with a book?”

As we walked out of the building Castrum rushed towards to western gate. I headed to a new acquaintance I had made in the shady part of town. His name was Lenar Stempel; he had a hand for body art. We had been discussing the different lizardmen tribes and their shaman tattoos that summoned their spirit companions just with a touch. If the ink used was magical or the person doing the inscription was binding the companion to the tattoo. We had covered most of every topic concerning magical runes and inscriptions. I even pulled in some draconic markings on scales we had in the library to explain how the elder dragons protected themselves from dragon hunters with similar inscriptions.

Lener finally agreed he would do the tattoo if I could aquire everything needed to do it. His list was extensive at first glance impossible. I mean where all of HADES was I to aquire fire mephit blood?
It took about two total years of research and bargining to finally acquire the ink and needles needed. The Arch Mage gave me a lot of help aquiring the items needed for project. I might even said his connections where invaluable to getting this project completed. But he was getting curious why I needed the items I had requested. I had held him off for the two years it took to aquire everything and get the patterns drawn for the tattoo.  I had told him in three days to visit me at Leners place.

I had the needles made in the dwarven lava mines, the hottest kilns of all of Keldar. The ink had a crushed red dragon scale, claw, salvia gland, elvish fire water, blood of a fire mephit, and the ink base from Galentula the giant octopus of the western sea.

We were to start the inscriptions on my hands that night. The process was going to last three days and nights. When it was over I would have sleeves cresting onto my breast and back. The knotted flames with inscriptions written in draconic where going to be a first of its kind. I had only tested it on a few mice most of which would die due to the heat of the ink.

Lener put the neddle into a cedar handle to protect him from how hot the needle would become. As he dipped the needle in the ink Lener said, "Lets begin shall we?" As the needle crossed over my skin for the first time the ink burned deep into my body at times it felt like my soul was being assulted. This is what the men I have burnt to dust must have felt in their last moments. As the needle started to glow from the heat of the ink I relized  I had to bare this pain for three days. I dont know if i was prepared for this, but its to late now lets just hope I can endure this smeldering pain.  

Lenar was amazed at the lack of blood, but it seems the ink was innately sealing the wounds with its heat. He was amazing during these three days his hand was as steady as it was on the first day. Although he has a very small grasp of what he is marking my body with. He grew  attach to the project as though it was his very own. And this simple attachment to his own work made my piece of art even better due to his heart and soul being poured into it.

When the third day dawned the Arch Magus visited me in Lenar’s shop to see how close the final result was. And the look of fear came across his face. “Coridan, do you realize the depths of what will constantly grow on you body now?” He said as he backed up estonished.  

Weakly I said “Yes I do, not only will this grow across my body as I grow. It has the power to amplify my power by the same increment.  Hence the reasoning of why I did it. This will be one of the only things in my life time that will ever be able to keep pace with my level if I can survive the rest of it."

This night was the night the Arch Magus knew how far ahead of him in the realm of magica I was. He took me into the council the next week and showed them my work. Explained it to those who where completely lost. Some where amazed, others frightened. To add to the ordeal he then he put my name into the the air to be promoted to Arch Magus. With all the responsibility and status that come with such a title.

One thing the Arch Magus Balthzeer always will have over me will be the foresight of wisdom.   This status upgrade would seal my alliance to the Kingdom and put me in my place as a protector. A wise move on his part.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

For a Good Cause!

* * * W A R N I N G *  *  *

!!! >Out of Character ON<!!!

If you happen to stumble across my blog over the next few days I figured I would post this as its for a good cause. UNICEF is holding a Halloween blog party  in hopes to raise donations for this great cause. So swing by and join in the fun.

Next through a mutual friend another All Hallows Eve Blog fest will be happening at My Literary Jam & Toast. I Demand you get all dolled up for the occasion and join in the festivities. Oh, well I guess I could extend the invitation to the gents also.... Please no tights or spartan costumes gents, thanks no telling what might set me off into a raging inferno.

>out of character off<

Monday, October 18, 2010

Relentless Father Time

Time waits for no man. That’s why I am glad I am an ELF!!!

The days come and go in the blink of an eye. It seems for every one thing I accomplish on my list of things to learn or do I add forty more. I will never have enough time to accomplish all the things I have or will have my hands in. This compulsiveness of always staying busy is unhealthy says the elders of the academy. I need to face what it is I hide in these books from. This one fear is expressed on all of my evals to the Arch Mage. The evals worries me very little, as the Arch Mage understands why I find solitude hiding in the Great Library.

It was my second year at the academy when I learned how precious time really is, even for elves. It was barely morning when I had gotten the word that my parents where dead. Two guard where sent to escort me to the funeral that would be on the following full moon to allow me  time to get home to pay my respects.  On the carriage ride back to my homeland I question the two guards who where sent to accompany me home why I deserved so much protection? How two elves as strong and young as my parents had passed so early in their lives? I really don’t think the questions ended for the whole three day trip to the old woods. Alas they never answered any of my relentless questions, come to think of it the last words they spoke where to the Arch Mage saying I was to accompany them back home. Their silence drove me mad but I held my composure.

I will preface this with the Arch Mage knew me well by this point. As from the night I followed him to his tower till this day I had spent every moment he allowed to picking his brain. So with the news he had gotten he knew what I would do when I found out.
I arrived in Wolven Valley early the night of the full moon. This was to be the place my parents would return to the circle of life. I walked up to the two huge stumps left from the great red woods they had cut down for the passing of my parents. My Father and Mother laid on the stumps peacefully with an expression on their faces that they knew they would be leaving the world at the same time and this brought them contentment. This calmed the fire raging inside me until the elders a hill away spoke in the wind not knowing I had arrived yet.

The wind whispered as it did when I was young heading out to hunt with my father. The message this time was not much different.  "Make sure Coridan doesn’t find out about his parents death being ordered by the elder council."   As with elvish custom you state what was not to be spoken from this point on in a last whisper by the High Seat of the Council. Here is where the flame inside me raged giving the elders awareness of my presence.

“The details are irrelevant you old fool, for you have already said to much.  I warn those that murdered my parents you are as good as dead. Protecting them is an intangible thought! And those attempting to stop me from be rectifying this dishonor are as good as dust!” I shouted across the wind as I couldn’t stay quite any longer the rage had its grasp on my mind, emotions, soul, and the bottomless amount of power within.

 I didn’t even notice that the guards that had escorted me had already been burnt to asunder from my fire shield. As I walked into town my anger grew into rage and my rage into hatred.  The guards and archers feeble attempt to quash my assault ended many lives needlessly. I was consumed with blood lust at this point and not even the ocean could put out these flames. The oldest town in Keldar burned to the ground that night along with generations of elves.

From this, the stories that spread around the survivors is if you ever do wrong to another of your kind the elf with burning eyes and palms who is encased in blue and red flames will come and justify your injustice ten fold as a cleansing flame of a phoenix. So be kind to your fellow elf as we are all linked in this circle and rest assured what comes around goes back around.

Oh, surprised there where survivors? So was I, But remember earlier I told you the Arch Mage knew me well. He managed to get to town before I did. He saved most of the young elves and the some of the others who had nothing to do with the conspiracy to kill my parents for their position in the council. Let it be known he save as many as he could before he had to start protecting himself from the cords of flames streaming from the rage of my assault as no matter how strong you where none where safe. And he knew the only way this helix of fire would calm down was if it burnt itself out.

I woke up back at the academy knowing exactly what I had done.  I had my hands bandaged and a salve on my chest to help with the minor burns. Nothing was ever spoken of that night between us as I knew he kept me from ruining the rest of my life and no one at the academy but us knew what had transpired.

For the next seven months all I heard from my peers, mostly the females, was why did I cut my long silver hair it was so beautiful.  Id just smile and say, “I honored my parents passing with my most prized hair that they passed to me woven in a eternal knot that binded their hands together forever in death.”  

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blind Addictions Part II

As I was frozen, burned, and electrified by the gargoyles. At the same time the Arch Mage was chanting spells that penetrated my mind. The psychological torture was almost unbearable. It felt like millions of shattering a mirriors inside my head. I saw visions of my power being drained from me. Dreams of my innate fire abandoning me in my hour of need, many others came when I would fall unconscious. The Arch Mage wasn’t holding back in the least. As time passed the assault progressively got worse. This was one of the worse situations I had ever been in during my two hundred some odd years. It was horrible he was breaking me down physically, mentally, and as the night continued my anger level was rising rapidly.

 I still had four hours before the silence spell or any of the others that I had cast would wear off. I had to think of a way out of this situation. A way to let the Arch Magus know I wasn’t here to harm him. Was this fear? I started to what you would call panic. But here is what seperates the great men from the average, we take the reins and take a hold of the issue. "Adapt or go extinct Coridan." 

I remembered the thorn that was in my arm, this allowed me to formulate a course of action. I pulled the thorn out of my arm and started to create a seal on what was left of my robes. Writing with my right hand proved to be very difficult as the seal I was attempting to create had very little margin for error. And to make matters worse I was writing with  thorn tip dipped in blood, not the greatest of ink. I timed the shock of cold and heat blasts with the small needles hitting me as the Arch Magus’s traps continued to harass my senses and nerves. I think I even passed out a few times due to the rapid cooling of my body temperature. Being who I am I used my internal flame to keep my body at a regulated temperature which solved the stupid freeze ray. When I was finished with the seal to break the silence spell. I figured I had one chance to survive this.

I only had one usable arm thanks to the vine trap earlier so I couldn’t activate the seal and cast a spell at the same time. But I had already thought of a way around this. I added some forbidden text I had came across years ago to dispel the restraint runes I was standing on. Also inscribed an old elvish phrase that confuses golems, lets just hope it works on gargoyles. Now I only had to worry about the Arch Magus’s response.

It was now or never. I timed the pressing of the rune to the timing of the flame trap for obvious reasons. As I pressed the rune I had created it activated with a shear blue light and a loud screech.  My invisibility dropped and as I expected the Arch Magus threw a spell worthy of his level. I narrowly escaped it by using the flame from his trap to create a deflection wall to bend his spell to the other side of the room. I was lucky that both these spells where the same level or that could have hurt.

Laughter broke out. The Arch Magus was very happy with himself.  “Coridan what a surprise,” he grinned knowingly.  I was confusseled, angry, tired, sore, but I was alive so I was relieved. The Arch Magus started to walk towards his shelves on the wall he pulled a few items off of the shelves and started to mix them together in his alchemy set sitting on his desk.

“So Coridan I realized that the only way you would understand what you where after was to allow you to complete this journey in full circle.”
Speechless I thought how did he know.

“Let me guess how did I know is what you are thinking right about now? Well let me explain, you observed your entire class, most of the professors and a few people in high positions with the spells I placed in that book for you.” The Arch Mage grinned as he started to mix some ingredients together.

“What I want to know now is if what you learned tonight was the same conclusion I came up to many years ago?”

Astonished by what I was hearing I gathered my thoughts. “I have come to the conclusion that we each have our addictions or seductions that directly or indirectly affect the road or choices we make in life. Some we can see, others lead us blindly through our lives. The addictions that lead those blindly are the dangerous ones. The ones that drive me make me excel ahead of those called my peers which is fortunate for me.”

The Arch Magus smiled and began walking towards me with a salve in his hand. “ I was hoping you would say that. Also I hope this brought to light that we all need to put all of our addictions aside once in awhile and stop to enjoy life, as you only get one my young Coridan.”

Now as I walk through the hall I try not to pay any attention to these irrational thoughts projected at me. As we all have our addictions, mine just happens to be endless nights in search for lost secrets hidden in the books of the great library.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blind Addictions Part I

Walking through the halls of the academy I notice every emotion being projected at me. Among the strongest is resentment or jealousy, envy, fear, and a few others that most women of no virtue have.  It has been this way since I moved to the academy. In the beginning I couldn’t understand why people I didn’t even know hated me. It wracked my brain for many of nights in the library as I was studying. Being as obsessive as I am I had to know what sparked these emotions from these people so I sat out for a way to get these answers.  

One night in my first year here I had came across a few spells of stealth and silence that allowed me to follow what started off a few classmates around. That first night was a very long and interesting night. One of the people I followed hated me with such a passion he ended up dropping out that year. As I sat and watched him from the shadows he drank until he couldn’t drink another drop. He then picked a few fights and got himself blistered by his own spells. I then understood how far behind he was then the rest of the class. Much to my dismay that morning I was almost late for class as the spells didnt wear off until I almost had the be at class. A minor over calculation on my part.

My targets of surveillance over the next few weeks consisted of a wide range of races and positions inside the academy and kingdom. I was obsessed with the amount of information I was learning and I wasn’t even in the library. One of the professors studied every night due to me being ahead of her in the class she taught on minor remidies.  This pushed her to feel incompetent. I had no idea I had made her feel this way as I always found her classes a great challenge and the presentation even kept my interest.

As the weeks passed I became even more bold on who I would follow and observe. During this time in my life I learned so much about families and household responsibility. Some of the peers in my class had such pressure from their parents status or expectations it would ruin their chances of success.

The night I attempted to see what drove the Arch Magus outside these walls is the night all my research came to an end.  Not before I was exhausted, beaten, and shown more then I ever intended to gain from of observing my peers. That night started off like any other, I cast four spells rewritten in the draconic tongue with a few other alterations that allowed them to all take hold at the same time without breaking the others. As if you cast silence first then you can cast the rest of the spells or if you cast shadow invisibility then any other spell your invisibility drops. Enough showing off back to that night.  

I followed the Arch Magus to his home on the outskirts of the campus. He bypassed his house and went into his back yard where his personal tower is. The path to the tower had tangling vines that go after anyone not grown from the persons blood who planted them. They have razor sharp thorns and the ability to paralyze anything they catch in their grasp. I was already in their grasp when the Arch Magus light the latern outside the tower. This created a shadow inside the tower which allowed me to fade out of the vines grasp.  I had just barely made it as the stupid plant had already paralyzed my left arm. I followed him up to the highest part of the study where he sat behind a huge desk, As I walked into the open room the Arch Magus spoke, “Is your journey after me worth your life shadow?” As the words finished I was surrounded by gargoyles and four seals of restraint.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wayward Urchins

Every fifteenth day I have to give a class on the basics of the element of fire to our second year students at the academy. This not only tries my patience its pointless for none of these want to be wizards have the core to use a flame to its fullest.  I already find this class a bother as I walked through the door.

On a side note I have done this class for two years and each class is pretty much the same. There is always a brown nose, jester, spoiled brats, and the few who are strugglers trying to make it. But this is the first time I had a class this unruly.

As I walked into the room I cast anti magic aura on the classroom without even a thought.  “Another typical class let me guess. Its fire magic so let’s drench the professor with water then turn the floor to mud so he is wet and muddy for the rest of the day.” Hmm and for sure there was a bubble of water on the ceiling and runes on the floor. The student who failed to make eye contact was the one who drew the pour excuse for a rune trap. And the student in the back room struggling to keep the bubble on the ceiling was concentrating so hard she almost passed out.

But this class unlike other classes this class ignored my rant as I entered the room. Just as I noticed a kid in the back off the room stood up and declared they where taking the next three days off.  The class seemed to all agree some with nods others with smirks.  “Really and what makes you think I would allow that?”

“Listen here old timer, do you really think we need “basics” we made it into the academy. And not to be rude but it’s not like your going to be able to teach us all tied up.”

“So you all feel this way?”

 At this point two young half elves attempted to tie me up.  “Hmm, I see.”

I held back as much as I could still burned the two young half elves pretty bad. More of the class started to try to subdue me as there class mates where crying in agony. The runes “they” prepared became handy most of them where sealed to the floor. The few others coward as my fire shield turned started expanding.  That left me with the smart allic and the young wizard trying to keep the water bubble from snapping back on her. I went ahead and muttered the words for a water prison to take care of her, arg I hate water magic such a waste of power.

“Now I didn’t catch your name youngster, allow me to tell you mine. Good morning class I am Magus Coridan and I’ll be teaching you fire basics today. TAKE YOUR SEATS.” My Shield and eyes burning deep crystal blue.

He started shuttering “yo you your Coridan?”

“So you’re not only undisciplined, rude, and unmannered bully, but deaf also?”  I reared back to teach this urchin a lesson in bulling.

With all the commotion a few other professors came storming into the room. Shouting for me to calm down throwning up protection spells on my target. I let my fire shield down and the professors started to take care of dispelling the mud rune and tending to those with burnt flesh.

"Magus Coridan, you really need to learn restrant. They are just kids!" Magus Katree scorned me shaking her finger at me.  

Later that night I was summoned to the Arch Magus’s chambers to cover what all went on in the class. The conversation turned into one of the kids these days being very undisciplined and having no manners. We came to the conclusion with the fathers off to war for the last ten years and the mothers having to support the home the kids where left at home to there own devices. The Arch Magus and I agreed that we are becoming soft as a society and that we need to get back to the honor and morals that where instilled into the generations before us. But with such a melting pot in Kaldar whose morals code should we use as a Trolls morals are a lot lower then that of a High elf.

The last thing we agree upon was this would be the last time I taught basics class. The students are not prepared for a lesson of this level at this point in there young mage careers.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Diversity Divided

Chronicles of truth Chapter I

It was a two month trek back to Kaldar. My troops where exhilarated to be home after a little over a year at war. As we entered the city my men all headed off in different directions. It hit me at this moment that my regiment all lived in different parts of the capital. They all are the most skilled of their race hence being in my regiment. But when they reached the gate they all went back to where the majority of their race lived. This concerned me, concerned me so much as I reported the details of our journey to the King I brought up this as well.

"My Lord we have returned victorious. Your plan went off without a hitch. We managed to conquer the capital in three fort nights and with limited injuries no casualties."

As he praised our job and restated how this was the last piece of the puzzle needed for the security of the kingdom. After about an hour of reports and orders of what we where to do next the king asked if there where any other concerns before we departed for the feast.

Most Generals and Lieutenants sat quietly as they fear looking weak in front of each other. I took this opportunity to bring up the issue hindering us within our own capital.

"Yes M'Lord, There is something I would like to bring to your attention." The king was beginning to stand as I opened my mouth. He sat down and raised his eyebrows interested as most wouldn’t opened themselves up for jabs from the whole war council.

"Magus Coridan what is on your mind?" As the king spoke the council grew quiet again.

"My lord, as you know in five years my regiment has never lost a soul. My regiment is made up of some of your best warriors, clerics, and archers in your entire realm."

"Don’t forget yourself Coridan as a regiment is only as strong as its leader."

"Thank you M'lord. As my regiment entered the capital this morn, I noticed that the Ogres, Trolls, Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Barbarians, Half Elves, Minos, and Centaurs all went to different parts of town. This disturbs me deeply my lord. You have spent years uniting our kingdom yet we are still segregated inside our own walls. The reason my team is so strong is because we are united as one not divided into small groups. May I be as bold to say this cant bode well for the kingdom and we need to work on making a unified kingdom?"

The King cleared his throat as he interrupted me, "Coridan, as always your insight or foresight is well thought out. And I see where this concern could lead to civil war or the kingdoms end. I also would like this integration inside our kingdom. Not only in our militia, but in our academies, markets, smitheries, and every other aspect of our kingdom this need to happen. Could you imagine what we could learn from each other, the advances in weapons, war tactics, agriculture, health, architecture, arts, science, education, and even food would be astonishing. But how to change old roots without killing a tree is the question. It is a QUESTION I want the answer to immediately."

"Advisor Balshim, this will be tasked to YOU. Do not let your king or kingdom down! Ill make sure Coridan checks in on you from time to time." The king stated in a threatening tone as the advisor glared at me for the stress I had just put him under.

"Master Jontee make this a priority also; give Advisor Balshim any intelligence needed to make this endeavor successful!"

"Financier Wilkens stop all payments to other foreign programs. Let’s take care of ourselves before we take care of other kingdoms problems. Although do it with a grace that will keep our relations in good standing."

"If there is no further business Coridan, I am starved lets head to the feast!"

After the king had finished speaking I knew how highly I was regarded by the King. My thoughts where consumed by how could I use this to my advantage. With these changes that where to come the flow of old magic and knowledge into the Great Library should be substantial.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Adapt or go Extinct

The Beginning of the Chronicles of Truth chapter I.

Change, We fight it with all our might, yet its part of life. We must change as the world around us does or we find ourselves extinct. It takes a major event or a turning point for someone to change. Why must humanoids fight change to such an extent that the entire race may go extinct? Is it not wiser to concede in defeat, then to be wiped from existence? For heavens sake, when we showed up outside your city walls you had to be able to foresee the near future. We had already had one of your own assassinate your King and Prince during the Prince’s wedding. Then we show up not six hours later has the puzzle not fallen together for your kind yet? Ahhh, There I go again, thinking that everyone is able to use there sense of survival they where given by what ever petty god they worship. So here is where I ask myself is it better to live and be a slave, or die. Change is naturally hard to accept.

In the era of the thirteenth Dynasty on the coldest day of the year we sit in camp. Our objective complete and our kingdom had finished secureing the southern lands. I find myself surrounded by troops hovering around my fire pit for warmth. I hear the men whispering amongst themselves about the same old nonsense. Some about their spoils others about how they cant wait to see their kids. One conversation unparticular caught my elvish ears. The fire burning in my fire pit warming them all the way to the bone unlike the other wizards fires which barely is able to knock the frost bite off them. If I were to ask them they would all tell me they would join my regiment for this sole reason. Reading the true intent on their faces it’s for their safety. They all know my troops always return home. I have never allowed anyone to oppose me or my men. And to those that tried to stand in my way burn to asunder. For this reason I have the smallest regiment in Kaldars militia and one of the most elite.

Sitting here waiting the dawn brings me to many thoughts and questions. The Arch Magus asked me before we departed for this battle. “Do your men follow you in fear or loyalty?”

“Hmm....I guess as long as they follow me it concerns me not. For they are all temporary allies in the game of life.”

Why my King sent so many troops to conquer such a petty race of Humanoids makes me question the intelligence of the one I call King. Is he really worth serving? What is the Arch Magus after with his questions. The old man is clever and the King is young. Hmm I wonder if our day to adapt or go extinct will come in our lifetime.