Thursday, October 7, 2010

Adapt or go Extinct

The Beginning of the Chronicles of Truth chapter I.

Change, We fight it with all our might, yet its part of life. We must change as the world around us does or we find ourselves extinct. It takes a major event or a turning point for someone to change. Why must humanoids fight change to such an extent that the entire race may go extinct? Is it not wiser to concede in defeat, then to be wiped from existence? For heavens sake, when we showed up outside your city walls you had to be able to foresee the near future. We had already had one of your own assassinate your King and Prince during the Prince’s wedding. Then we show up not six hours later has the puzzle not fallen together for your kind yet? Ahhh, There I go again, thinking that everyone is able to use there sense of survival they where given by what ever petty god they worship. So here is where I ask myself is it better to live and be a slave, or die. Change is naturally hard to accept.

In the era of the thirteenth Dynasty on the coldest day of the year we sit in camp. Our objective complete and our kingdom had finished secureing the southern lands. I find myself surrounded by troops hovering around my fire pit for warmth. I hear the men whispering amongst themselves about the same old nonsense. Some about their spoils others about how they cant wait to see their kids. One conversation unparticular caught my elvish ears. The fire burning in my fire pit warming them all the way to the bone unlike the other wizards fires which barely is able to knock the frost bite off them. If I were to ask them they would all tell me they would join my regiment for this sole reason. Reading the true intent on their faces it’s for their safety. They all know my troops always return home. I have never allowed anyone to oppose me or my men. And to those that tried to stand in my way burn to asunder. For this reason I have the smallest regiment in Kaldars militia and one of the most elite.

Sitting here waiting the dawn brings me to many thoughts and questions. The Arch Magus asked me before we departed for this battle. “Do your men follow you in fear or loyalty?”

“Hmm....I guess as long as they follow me it concerns me not. For they are all temporary allies in the game of life.”

Why my King sent so many troops to conquer such a petty race of Humanoids makes me question the intelligence of the one I call King. Is he really worth serving? What is the Arch Magus after with his questions. The old man is clever and the King is young. Hmm I wonder if our day to adapt or go extinct will come in our lifetime.

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