Sunday, October 31, 2010

Not so Gentle Introductions (Part III)

Two days passed as we tended to the wounded caused by the fog, self induced injuries from falling over lines or getting ran over by Kozak’s pet rat. One man was unaccounted for after the ordeal. The captain figured he had fell overboard and now long lost at sea. With the wind picking up the captain wanted to get the masts up to make up some time we had lost searching for him.

Weeks passed as me and Croff would play stones every day around noon. Kozak and Raddect kept themselves busy by polishing their weapons and armor. With all this excitement you could tell they where getting tired of being at sea. The nights brought out the rum and a relaxed crew, somewhat needed after the hard days work they put in keeping the masts at bay in this wind. A few mornings off the stern of the ship flying electric eels could be seen dancing in and out of the ocean as they leaped into the air.

T’was another week before a deck hand yelled land ho. We all rushed to the bow of the ship and saw the Island in the distance. You could see the clear white sand and the foliage from the coast. We knew this would be no easy task as we got closer to the isle. Between us and the coast were millions of jagged rocks protruding out of the ocean like layers of sharks teeth. To make matters worse the handful partially sunken ships that had attempted this before us.

Dropping the masts we sailed in with anchor in tow. This was to keep us inching forward as so are enormous ships didn’t join the isles collection. The captain maneuvered the ship through the first set of reefs and jagged rocks.  Few of the ships we passed by we could make out there origins others where from old kingdoms that had fallen years before us. When the rocks became to dangerous to precede further, the captain dropped the other anchor abruptly stopping the ship. We would have to continue from here in crew boats. You could tell Kozak was ready to be on land as he had no problem throwing down the eight boats and loading them up with our gear. As they loaded Raddect up in some rigged type of harness to lower him down into a boat I all most died laughing. He was so helpless aboard this ship and now at the mercy of the twenty men hoisting him into the air. 

“Stuff it Coridan!” Raddect growled at me.

“What? I didn’t say any thing! I was merely enjoying the torment you where going through mighty ranger.” I said earnestly mocking his tone.

“Coridan quit poking the bee hive,” Croff spoke up defending his helpless comrade as he shook his finger at me.

“Yes Father.” I said as I bowed my head at the chin. Croff just smirked at me with slight smile.

“All right Captian, give us seven days and six nights. If we are not back by the seventh night please consider us unsuccessful and depart for home on the eighth morn.” Raddect said as he nodded to Kozak for his approval of the conversation. Kozak said, “jaa sevin dayz be fine.”
We took two crew members per boat and headed for the island. They would stay on the beach and set up camp as we pressed deep into the forest. Maneuvering these little boated through all these rocks was still no easy task with the waves helping us towards the island at their pace. As we struggled to make it to the beach Raddect appeared to be lost in thought as he peered from the left of the island to the right. Kozak had his ax in hand prepared for anything that might meet us on the beach. Croff and I had already managed our preparations casting all the spells we foresaw we would need.

As Kozak’s boat hit the shore he stepped out and headed towards the skirt of the forest. Raddect wasn’t to far behind him as he jumped out of his boat almost tipping over the boat and two men left in it. They had four large trees cut down buy the time all eight boats had navigated to the shore. The crew members quickly took all the gear off the boats and started to set up camp.

With the trees Raddect and Kozak cut down they finished creating a few barriers sharpened to pointed ends to protect the camp. The rest of the trees were set aside for framing the shelter. Croff had been directing me where to place the few crystals he had brought to create a protective ward for the crew staying behind. After Kozak felt the men were as safe as they could be he nodded to Croff getting his approval to head out. Croff gave his approval and Kozak wasted no time barking “Letz move out!”

Raddect quickly rushed forward as he casted his spell that mixed him into his surroundings.  Kozak pressed forward followed by Croff then me. Raddect was doing well marking trees showing the direction we needed to follow to avoid the wildlife he was tracking us around. One good thing about having a ranger in the group is you can save time by going around potentially aggressive animals.

Every hour, give or take Raddect would swing back and update us of his progress. Most of which was that he hadn’t found traces of our prey yet or to warn us of danger lurking to our east or west. The first day came to an end rather quickly with only a few misquotes and dead pythons crossing our paths. We set up camp and Croff summoned food and water for us to eat. Kozak and Raddect volunteered to take watch through the night allowing me and Croff to sleep. With all the new and strange sounds on the isle, sleep was the last thing that we got.

The second day came and went much like the first, uneventful. And as the third day was coming to an end I began to question Raddects tracking skills or the lack there of and now time was against us. Raddect appeared in the middle of us about three hours before sunset to point out deep claw markings on a tree Kozak was standing next to. Kozak and Raddect discussed the markings and decided that an owl bear or a tiger gorilla where more likely to have made these marks.

Night fell on our third day and the discussion on when to turn back had begun. Most of the discussion was highlighted with Kozak showing his displeasure of Raddects ability to track and lead us to a feelpe. Raddect was being very defensive brining up the belief that the creature of myths was just that a myth and it was not his lack of skills. Fisticuffs broke out among the two giants each landing massive blows against the other.

Croff immediately jumped between the two behemoths shouting “Calm down fella’s its no ones fault. We knew this would be difficult if not impossible!” Not paying the stepping stool any mind they continued there assault on each other. Croff being trampled at this point managed to roll out of the scuffle.

Croff never lost his composure as he started to chant with his hands interlocked. Shiny white pillars began to appear around both men. I watched noticing that the light from the pillars illumanted the leaves and mud in Croff’s beard. Croffs chanting became more intense and the pillars glow increase and began spreading over the area. The glow started to slow down the to ego driven males and everything else in the area of the glow. It slowed them down to the point they appeared to be like statues moving minuscule amounts till all motion ceased.

“Now what will this accomplish? If you don’t agree to act civil I have no problem keeping you both chained to these pillars all night!” Croff said modestly and almost interrupting me.

“Look at you two giants acting like orcs fighting over a meal. You even managed to make the dorf mad enough to get his beard all dirty!” I said as I knew comparing them to orcs would diffuse there frustrations or at least redirect them towards me.

Both men’s muscles began to relax. Croff appeared to notice this at the same time as I did as he started to drop his force shield he had placed on them. When both men where able to move again they brushed themselves off making sure not to lose eye contact with the other. Croff walked towards them casting minor healing and fatigue removal spells on them at the same time.

“Shall we eat and call it a night now?” Croff said as he reached in his pack for a scroll of summon food and water.

Kozak nodded to the idea and crashed down next to a big tree, leaning his back against it. Raddect and I sat down near the other side of the small clearing there scuffle had made. I gestured at Raddect for a limb that was within his reach. He quickly snatched it out of the tree and snapped it into a few two feet pieces. As he placed them in front of us I started the fire. Croff passed out our food and drink then sat almost in the direct middle of us all.

For the next hour or so the only noise the group made was that of breathing and swallowing there food and drink. Silent enough until Kozak Growled out, “Ar youz ok fur da first watch Raddect?” This startled Croff, who was clearly lost in his own thoughts as he jumped to his feet.  

About ten minutes before I was going to call it a night I smothered the flame to allow every ones eyes to get adjusted to the darkness. Croff was already snoring at this point with some drool creeping down his beard. Raddect shifted until he was confortable and settled in for first watch. Kozak placed his axe across his chest and gnarled a little as to warn anyone to messing with him as he slept. I settled my head aginst a tree and closed my eyes I was out within seconds of my eyes closing.

It was early when I was waken by the roar of Kozak, and cries of pain from Raddect. As I stood to my feet something smacked me across my chest sending me flying about ten feet back. Before I stood back up and quickly cast fairy fire to light up the area. As I jumped to my feet my hands where shaking. Kozak was pinned under the hind legs of a creature that made him look like a child. Raddect was fending off teeth and claws with a whirlwind of duel wielding blades. It appears the prey we were searching so hard to find had found us.  

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